+91 9442223735

Sweet Potato Chips
Classic Indian finger food that no one can resist, these easy vegetable pakoras are so simple to make.
1 Sweet Potato, cleaned
1 Tbsp. Simply Sunflower Oil
1 tsp. Ground Cinnamon
Salt, as desired
1. Preheat oven to 375°F.
2. Slice sweet potato into thin slices.
3. In a medium mixing bowl, mix Simply Sunflower oil, cinnamon, and salt together.
4. Add your sliced sweet potatoes to the bowl and mix well.
5. Place aluminum foil over a baking sheet (optional).
6. Place sweet potato slices side-by-side on baking sheet.
7. Bake for approximately 30 minutes. Cook time will vary based on how thin your slices are, so we suggest checking your oven at 20 minutes and every few minutes after that.
8. Remove from oven and let cool before serving.