+91 9442223735

Our Story

Goodness from the start

Venkateshwara Foods strives to bring the goodness of nature straight to the consumer's plate. With our state-of-art refineries with unique technology and refining capabilities and stringent specifications for maintenance of product quality, oil stability and food safety, in order to preserve its natural goodness.

The best and latest

The best and latest refining technology that has been tested and improved across various refinery set-ups within the global Cargill network.

Standards of quality

Standards of quality have been set keeping the international and local requirements in mind.These standards incorporate the best of both worlds and meet the highest levels of quality.

Hands-free treatment

Hands-free treatment with no direct human touch on the product. The fully automated refining technology gives a very clean and hygienic environment for a better and safer product.

Full-fledged Food Safety Systems

Full-fledged Food Safety Systems are implemented to ensure safe production, storage and transportation of the product. All the GMPs like sanitation, personal hygiene, pest control, rework handling are well in place for the quality product.

Pre-dispatch FG Audit System

Pre-dispatch FG Audit System is to verify the quality of each lot and to assure the shipment of good quality products to the end consumer.